Friday, February 10, 2017


Considering that a good chunk of my time has been spent waiting in doctors' offices lately, I feel like I should be reading more than I actually am right now. Here's what I finished last week:

The Girls in the Garden is beautifully written and a little surprising. The graphic novel was just for fun. (If you haven't read the actual book, STOP EVERYTHING YOU'RE DOING and start reading it!! NOW!!) 

Here is what I'm reading now:
I lovelovelove Jennifer Weiner's work, and was super excited to start this memoir. Originally, I started with written book, but stopped and checked out the audio version from the library (via Overdrive) instead. She reads it and it's endeared her to me even more.

This one is from Book of the Month. The blurb sounded awesome and I wanted to give it a try. It's a little too early to tell, but great so far.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Morning Reading

UM, this looks ah-mazing! I don't even like carrot cake and I want to bake this, like today...

(photo: Mary Catherine Tee)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

52 Weeks of Gratitude - Week 12 - Your Favorite Personality Trait

The personality trait that I love most in others is the ability to make people laugh. Those magic souls that can turn crap situations into gold with a joke, a funny face, a smile... I envy them, I admire them, and most of all I appreciate them because they make every situation better. We all need more laughter in our lives. Always.

My favorite trait that I myself possess is directness. If I'm being totally honest, I spend a lot of energy trying NOT to tell people what I really think. But, if someone asks (and sometimes even if they don't), I just lay it all out there. No sugar coating. That being said, when I do speak my mind, I've been told I do it in a way that doesn't offend and makes people think. That's good, right?

Friday, February 3, 2017

Morning Reading

I want it! Well, maybe not the clock, but all of the spaces in the post are freaking beautiful. Definitely worth checking out.

via desire to inspire