Thursday, July 17, 2014


I hate to think this might be true. I want so much out of my life. Don't you? I make lists upon lists, set goals and achieve them, yet somehow I always feel like I fall short. Short of what, I'm not quite sure, but I suspect that it might have something to do with reading too much of stuff like this. It seems so smart and pretty, right? Like, "Oh that's why (pick a dream or desire) didn't happen! I can't have everything that I want!" There. Settled. It's an all-purpose answer that lets us exclude the trillion other possibilities out there to explain why something did or did not occur. In a strange way, doesn't it make  it seem like we control way more of life than we actually do? (i.e. You chose x, so you can't have y or z. It's totally obvious, silly. Don't you know the rules by now?)

Now, I'm not saying we don't make decisions. Right now, I am choosing to not eat that chocolate chip cookie so I won't be a fat ass at my sister's wedding. That doesn't mean I'm not going to eat (at least) two pieces of cake at the reception (but only if it's delicious). All I mean is this quote is due for a revision. We can have everything - just maybe not when we exactly want it or maybe not all at one time. I just don't think any of us should limit our possibilities because of some made-up reason that seems like wisdom. 

We choose. Everything.

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