Saturday, November 12, 2016

Home Goods Haul

First of many haul posts. I have a serious HomeGoods problem. Well, maybe not a problem per se, but lately HomeGoods has everything that I need when I need it, even if I happen to be not at home at the moment. Hence, a lot of money spent. Here's what I bought:

I'm visiting my mom, and she only has normal size coffee mugs. They're cute, but I need about three of them to get me through the morning. This is much better.

Glitter Kitten photobomb with their new toy basket (Mom also didn't have travel mugs).

Smells amazeballs and was $8.

Just thought the candlesticks were pretty.

Sorry if you can see the mess, but I hadn't fully unpacked when I took this one. The kittens needed a house and this one has ears. No further explanation necessary :) Glitter Puppy 2 needed a bed and this one was $30. She's so big it's tough to find beds for her that aren't $100+. I wish that she would use it more, but at least the kittens seem to like it a lot? (She's too sweet to kick them out.)

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