Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Get To Work

Today's prompt: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

I wish I would have read all these prompts more closely before I started this challenge. Some of them are not my favorite. I think I've written enough about my job, my search for a new job, etc. so this is what I have to say on this topic:

Life's to short for "could"s.

If you want your "dream" job, go out and try your damnedest to get it. No one is just going to give it to you, but the universe will absolutely help you out if you make the effort.

And that doesn't just go for jobs. You want to live in a certain city? Figure out a way. Go on a date with your crush? Ask them out. No joke, I moved across the country with four days of planning. I didn't have a job when I got there and holy sh*t did I have to work hard to get one. I networked, signed up at a temp agency, worked all my contacts, and applied for literally every job online. It took a few weeks, but I made it happen. The seven years that followed were the best of my adult life.

At the time, it was so scary, but looking back on that period I'm so proud of myself. It's made me see that in order for me to have as big of a life as I'd like I sometimes have to say yes first and figure out my way after. It's taught me to believe that I'm capable of anything I want.

You can do more than you think. I promise. Let me know how it turns out!!

xo, me

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