Monday, October 8, 2018

Long time, no post.


I miss blogging. I think about it every day, but never quite manage to sit down and do it. I try to convince myself that it's because I do other creative work, but deep down I know it's just me being lazy. So, in effort to relaunch it I decided to do a 30 day blogging challenge.

Nothing fancy or intense - I just Googled and found one that had some good prompts (i.e. not "What's the meaning behind your blog's name?"). Hopefully, writing everyday will force me to fall into a routine. I'd like this space to be something beautiful and need to spend more time here to make that happen. So, here I go...

Today's Prompt: What, why, and where I write

I  write my feelings. About... everything, really. Deep emotional stuff, product reviews, tv/movie opinions. A random smattering, if you will. (Isn't smattering a great word? Note to self: Use "smattering" more often.)

Why do I write? Truthfully? If I didn't write all these thoughts down my head would explode. Or, at least that's what I imagine would happen.

Where do I write? Anywhere and everywhere. Mostly, I write at my office's conference table or at my desk in my living room at home. I work better at home, though.

That's it for Day 1! See you tomorrow!


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