Saturday, October 13, 2018

I'd Eat That

Today's prompt: Favorite foods and why

Guac. Do I really need to say more? Really, avocados in any form - except that chocolate pudding made with them. I just can't do it. It just seems like it'd ruin them.

Swedish Kanelbullar. Make these: 

You'll thank me.

Swedes love their fika (Swedish for coffee break) and these sweet rolls are a big part of that. The cardamom in the dough that smells like my childhood. I could eat them every day for the rest of my life with no complaints. They're that good.

These Airheads. It's my go-to candy when I'm working. Are any of you like that? I need to have something to pick at at my desk. I wish I didn't like them so much because they're def not the healthiest option.

Baby shell pasta with spinach and ricotta. Another favorite from my childhood. It's my total comfort food.

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